Prequels and sequels
I hope it lives up to our expectations.

Dialogue 1  (5:56)

What’s your favorite movie?
Do you have a favorite movie?
What’s your least favorite movie?

My all-time favorite is ~
No, I don’t really have a favorite.
I’d probably say ~ is my (least) favorite.

All-time favorite: 역사상 최고, 모든 – 통들어서

Dialogue 2 (10:32)

A: What TV shows do you usually watch?
What shows do you follow?
Do you keep up with any American TV shows?

I’m a big fan of ~.
I watch ~ religiously.
I always make sure to catch the new episodes of ~

Religiously: 아주 규칙적으로, 정기적으로

Keep up with / follow
I used to watch that show, but I haven’t kept up with it recently.
I haven’t been following it.
Catch up with
Get caught up on

Dialogue 3  (13:39)

A: Did you catch Game of Thrones last night?
B: No, I missed it. What happened?
A: Well, There were lots of surprises/twists. I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you.

Catch a show: 보다
반전: twist

Dialogue 4  (15:02)

A: What are you up to?
B: I’m just watching TV at home.
A: Oh, yeah? What are you watching?
B: I’m binge watching Game of Thrones. Trying to get caught up before the new season starts.

Binge: 폭식하다
Binge watch: 몰아서 보다
~ marathon

Dialogue 5 (18:23)

A: Do you watch any American TV shows?
B: Not really. Why don’t you recommend one for me?
A: Well, what kind of shows do you like?
B: I usually like detective shows and scary stuff.
A: Have you heard of The Walking Dead?
B: No. What’s it about?
A: It’s a zombie show. It’s a lot of fun. You should definitely check it out.

Q&A 1 (21:02)

Q: How was the movie?
How did you like the movie?

It was fun / it was funny
(Don’t use “funny” to describe serious movies)
It was interesting.
It was entertaining.
It was great.
It was a lot of fun!
It was far-fetched. It wasn’t realistic.
It was really corny.

Genre Pronunciation: 젼러

Q&A 2 (23:11)

What was the movie about?
What’s it about?
What’s the subject matter?

It’s about ~
It’s political drama.

Subject matter: 소재

관련된 표현:
Have you seen any good TV shows recently?
Who’s your favorite actor/actress/celebrity?

That guy’s on TV.
He’s on TV.
I saw him on TV.

(Not “coming out on TV”)

What movies are out?
When’s it coming out?
It was released

관련된 어휘  (28:57)
Academy Award
Film festivals
Pirated movies
Box office
Water cooler talk

Q: How was the movie?

Q: Do you follow any American TV shows?

Q: Did you catch Big Bang Theory last night?

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